The Bonobos

The Bonobos, an intelligent, emotional and socially complex species, are our closest relative in the ape family, and gravely endangered through de-forestation, poaching, civil unrest and poverty.

What we do

The Bonobo Conservation Society and Bonobo Aid function as a partner in education, fund-raising and action to those select groups and individuals who work tirelessly and passionately on the ground in the bonobo’s isolated habitat, deep in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The challenges

These organizations are severely underfunded, as well as deeply affected by loss in revenue as a result of the Covid 19 virus. Further, they are busy with the demanding day-to-day operations of education, protection and research necessary to allow the existing bonobos to thrive, allowing limited time for fund-raising.

How we do it

We achieve our objectives via community engagement in The Netherlands and Europe at large, furthering education as to the plight of bonobos and their immediate habitat, fund-raising and donations from both private citizens and commercial entities, continuous liaison with Non-Governmental Organizations currently working in bonobo conservation, and the sale of socially responsible / sustainable merchandise to spread awareness of the bonobos’ endangerment


We strive to raise awareness throughout Europe and abroad, of bonobos, their habitat, and the cultures with whom they co-exist.